** HOW **







The choice of the stem to be cut and how to cut it.


You may have been sold or given the unrooted cutting.

If you want to multiply an Epiphyllum that you already have, you have to start by cutting a stem that will be used to be cut.


Which stem to choose to cut it?

To ensure the best possible rooting and growth of the cutting, a stem that is neither too young nor too old should be chosen. A stem that grew two years ago seems to me to be a good choice. A stem from the current year may not form roots, a stem that is too old may not grow.

The chosen stem will be free of any disease or parasite.

In the photo above, the two stems on the right (soft green), are too young to serve. Of the other four ones, the top one can be cut near its base and the next one can be cut half-length to avoid the other part whose edges have been eaten by snails or caterpillars.

The cutting of the cutting will be done with a large clean cutter, whose blade will be disinfected beforehand by rubbing it with cotton wool soaked in 90 degrees alcohol. The blade will be disinfected before each cut.

90-degree alcohol is an excellent disinfectant.


The cutter blade is disinfected before cutting.


The stem is being cut.

If possible, the cut should be made in a place where the scar will be as small as possible, for example near a knot. However, it can be done elsewhere. The length of the cut stem will be 15 to 20cm.

If the stem measures double or more, you can cut it in two or three and make two or three cuttings. For each cutting, if there is ambiguity of direction, the part that will be put in the ground will be be bevelled to mark the direction of planting.

Name of the hybrid written on the stem. Locate the end to be planted.

If you cut a very long stem, you can put it into a large pot. You can also cut it into several pieces as shown in the following pictures.

Stem of 60cm length.

I decided to cut this beautiful stem into three pieces, as shown in the following picture:


Stem cut into three pieces, each 20cm long.

Immediately identify the cut stem by writing its name on it with a large, waterproof, light-resistant permanent marker.

You will then write the name and year of cutting on a plastic label, which will be put in the same pot as the cutting. Use one pot per cutting.

I advise writing on the label with a grease pencil. This is even more indelible than indelible markers, which sometimes are not indelible over time.


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