***** IN CALIFORNIA *****

***** AND ELSEWHERE. *****


CHAPTER 2 (pages 2 to 8)

Dragon Fruit in California.

The first Paul Thomson continuers.


Page 6 / 8 of the article.


The Dragon Fruit Festival is an annual event in California. It lasts several days and brings together researchers, producers and amateurs. Several conferences take stock of all that concerns Dragon Fruit, and many fruits of botanical species or hybrids are shown and tasted. I was able to photograph the fruits of 12 different varieties. I'll show you a few of them.

First, before I show you the fruits, I would like to introduce Leo Manuel, who gave me one of the last copies of Paul Thomson's precious book.

Leo Manuel

© "San Diego Reader"


And here is a part of all Dragon fruit varieties I photographed.

Here is "Mexicana Viet Giant" with white pulp, close to the selected clones of Hylocereus undatus.


"Delight" is a hybrid created by Paul Thomson.


"Haley's Comet"




"El Grullo" bears the name of the locality where this variety was found.


"Sin Espinas"


Ramiro Lobo, during the tasting.

That's the end of the gallery. You will have noticed the differences in the colour of the fruits pulp.

Each variety has a different taste and more or less sweetness.

Fruits with pink or red pulp are often the best ones. They constitute almost all California varieties.


All the botanical species considered so far (except selected clones of Hylocereus undatus) and all the hybrids I have just mentioned have the disadvantage of being self-sterile and thus requiring cross-pollination.


But a big step was taken with the creation of self-fertile hybrids...............


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