During a visit to a garden centre in the Paris area, I saw a few pots of Schlumbergera that obviously did not look like what you usually see on the market.
They had fairly thin, sharply serrated stems with areolas at the location of the teeth. They vaguely resembled to those of Schlumbergera "Enigma" or Schlumbergera "Star Burst", whose origin is rather mysterious.
To top it all off, they were labelled "Thor Wild Cactus", which suggests they came from the producer Thoruplund, but said nothing about obtaining them, which Thoruplund refuses to divulge.
There was a white one and a couple of fuchsia pink ones.
But the most surprising thing was their completely abnormal flower buds. The whites in particular were vaguely shaped like cauliflowers.
Although they were a little dehydrated and neglected by the buyers, I bought three pots: one white and two pink.
White "Thor Wild Cactus".
White "Thor Wild Cactus", flower buds.
Pink "Thor Wild Cactus", flower buds (pot number 1).
Pink "Thor Wild Cactus", flower buds (pot number 2).
I started monitoring the evolution of the flower buds by taking pictures every two or three days. I wasn't at the end of my surprises.