I have been growing Ep. x 'Clown' for 25 years now but have had to cut it back and re-cut it several times for health reasons.
It grows slowly and doesn't flower much, in short it doesn't like to be in my collection despite the care I give it.
I am not the only one in France to notice the same weaknesses.
Thus, why devote an article to it and to a few of its descendants that I have preciously acquired?
It is a particularly splendid hybrid whose colours are reminiscent of a clown's make-up.
Photo and collection: Thierry Le Gallo
This hybrid with size L flowers was created by Phyllis Flechsig
and registered in 1982 with the Epiphyllum Society of America (E.S.A.).
Its pedigree is unknown
It is remarkable for its pure white inner petals, stamens and pistil, with middle and outer petals ranging from pink to deep dark red.
It is a marvel of which I am sharing one more photo:
Photo and collection: Thierry Le Gallo
I gave up using my own photos because they were too old and of unsatisfactory quality.