(Gallery written in February 2007; photographs taken from 2002 to 2006)
Gallery updated in April 2013 : photographs taken from 2007 to 2012
Epiphyllum x "Ackermannii" ................. Epiphyllum x "African Queen" .....................
................ Epiphyllum x "Anita Paetz" ............ .................. Epiphyllum x "Arturo" .......................
....................... Epiphyllum x "Atlantis" ....................... Epiphyllum x "Aztec Star"
....... Epiphyllum x "Ballarat" ....... Epiphyllum x "Bambi" Epiphyllum x "Bayou Belle"
....... Epiphyllum x "Bella Vista" (?) ....... Epiphyllum x "Born Free"
...... Epiphyllum x "Bruin" ...... ........... Epiphyllum x "Bruno Förster" ..........
....... Epiphyllum x "Chawncy" ...... ................. Epiphyllum x "Cherubim" ............
Epiphyllum x "Clair Paetz" ...... Epiphyllum x "Clara Sanders" ...... Epiphyllum x "Clarence Wright"
Epiphyllum x "Clementina" Epiphyllum x "Clown" Epiphyllum x "Communion"
...................... Epiphyllum x "Cooperi" ..................... Epiphyllum x "Creme de Menthe"
...... Epiphyllum x "Dark Accent".... Epiphyllum x "Delicate Jewels"
Epiphyllum x "Desender Hilde" Epiphyllum x "Deutschlands Glück" Epiphyllum x "Die Rote Pulheim"
..... Epiphyllum x "Eastern Promise Epiphyllum x "El Presidente" Epiphyllum x "Elke Paetz"
Epiphyllum x "Elmira Paetz" Epiphyllum x "Emperors Gladiator" Epiphyllum x "Erhart de la Metle"
Epiphyllum x "Ernst Gündchen"
Epiphyllum x " Fern La Borde" ................ Epiphyllum x "First Prom" ................
Epiphyllum x "Florence Reed Arnold" Epiphyllum x? "Floribundum" Epiphyllum x "Fluid Gold"
.............................. Epiphyllum x "Fred Boutin" ................................
............................................................... Epiphyllum x "French Gold" ...............................................................
Epiphyllum x "Frühlingsahnen" Epiphyllum x "Frühlingsanfang"
Epiphyllum x "Frühlingsgold" Epiphyllum x "Frühlingslaune"
..........Epiphyllum x "Frühlingslust" ............
Epiphyllum x "Frühlingspracht" Ep. x "Frühlingsrauschen" Ep. x "Frühlingsreigen"
Epiphyllum. x "Frühlingstern" Epiphyllum x "Frühlingstraum"
Ep. x "Gene Lund" Ep. x George's Favorite" Ep. x "George French" Ep.x "Going Bananas"
Epiphyllum x "Gold Coin" .............................. Epiphyllum x "Gold Medal" ............................
Epiphyllum x "Golden Harvest" .................. Epiphyllum x "Golden Octopus" ..................
Ep. x " Grace Ann " ................ Epiphyllum x "Grandilobum" (?) ...............
Ep. x "Heaven Sent" Epiphyllum x "Heidinger"
............... Epiphyllum x "Helmut Oetken" ............. ................. Epiphyllum x "Hugo Socnik" ................
............. Epiphyllum x "Hum Dinger" ........... Epiphyllum x "Hungaria" (?)
Epiphyllum x "Ignescens" .... Epiphyllum x "Incas Golden Dream" ... Ep. x "Innesfree"
........................................... Epiphyllum x "Ivory Brocade" ...........................................
Epiphyllum X "Jeanne d'Arc" ...........Epiphyllum X "Jinx Falkenberg" .........
...................Epiphyllum x "King Midas" .....................
Epiphyllum x "Letty May"
.............................................................. Epiphyllum x "Letty May" ...............................................
....... Epiphyllum x "Lilliput" (?) .... Ep. x "Lily Dache" Epiphyllum x "Lipstick"
.................................. Epipjyllum x "Luzie Paetz" ......................................
.............. Epiphyllum x "Madeline"......................... ................ Epiphyllum x "Madras Ribbon" ............
Epiphyllum x "Maientraum" Epiphyllum x "Marie Josephine" Epiphyllum x "Marisa Paetz"
Epiphyllum x "Martha Knebel" Ep. x "Mary Hoogvliet" Epiphyllum x "Märzsonne"
Epiphyllum x "Mia Paetz" ................ Epiphyllum x "Morgenröte"............ Epiphyllum x "Mormor"
.................................................................. Epiphyllum x "Mormor" ................................................
Epiphyllum x "Natascha Paetz" ...................... Epiphyllum x "Nicole" (?)..............................
Epiphyllum x "Oakleigh Brillance" Ep. x "Orange Bouquet" (?) Epiphyllum. x "Orange Fiesta"
Epiphyllum x "Oriana" (?) Epiphyllum x "Oriental Spring"
.......................Epiphyllum x "Paula Knebel" ............... ................... Epiphyllum x "Peach Melba" .......
............................................. Epiphyllum x "Pegasus" .............................................
Epiphyllum x "PinkParasol" ........... Epiphyllum x "Pink Parrot" ............
Epiphyllum x "Pinky" (Chiapora) Epiphyllum x "Pitti Paetz"
....... Epiphyllum x "Pixie Plum" ..... Epiphyllum x "Professor Ebert"
........................................................ Epiphyllum x"Rainbow Beauty" ...................................................
Epiphyllum x "Rose Praecox"
Ep. x "Sakurahime" Ep. x "Satin Doll" Epiphyllum x "Schlesien"
Epiphyllum x "Smarty Pants" Epiphyllum x "So Nice" Epiphyllum x "Stephanie Paetz"
Ep. X "Striped Beauty" Epiphyllum x "Sunland" Epiphyllum X "Sylter Frühling"
....... Epiphyllum x "The Volunteers" ................ ......................... Epiphyllum x "Three Oranges" ...............
.............. Epiphyllum x "Tiny Flame" .............
Epiphyllum x "Urwald Licht" ................ Epiphyllum x "Uschi" ...........
.................................................................. Epiphyllum x "Very Sassy" ...................................................................
Epiphyllum x "Whatta Dream" ................ Epiphyllum x "Whitewatersrand" ................
............................... Epiphyllum x "William Clark" ...............................
......... Epiphyllum x "Wonderful One" (?) .........
................Epiphyllum x "Zitronenfalter" ................
NOTE: I wrote: (?) after the names of Epiphyllum whose identifications appear doubtful to me. The names are those under which I acquired the plants.
Your constructive opinion will be welcome!!
....................... Epiphyllum unknown hybrid: from floral bud to ripe fruit. ...............
Ep. unknown hybrid (origin : Chichicastenango, Guatemala) ..... Ep. unknown hybrid (origin : Panajachel, Guatemala)
These two cultivars stem from a unique hybridization : (Epiphyllum unknown hybrid) x (Disocactus macranthus).
(This hybridization was made by Alain Laroze, who gave me the young plants after the sowing.)