(Gallery written in February 2007; photographs taken from 2002 to 2006)
Gallery updated in april 2013 : photographs taken from 2007 to 2012
Hybridization in order to obtain hybrid Epiphyllum, also called Epicacti, started approximately in the 1830s, soon after the introduction in Europe of Nopalxochia phyllantoides, and then, of Heliocereus speciosus, which enabled many crossings.
Many genera of Epiphytic cacti can be found among the botanical ancestors of hybrid Epiphyllum: Disocactus, botanical Epiphyllum of course, Heliocereus, Hylocereus, Nopalxochia and Selenicereus among others. Hybridizations were even made with Echinopsis which are terrestrial cacti (not epiphytic ones). Nowadays, there are several thousands of listed hybrid Epiphyllum, resulting from the crossings among botanical ancestors and/or crossings with the hybrids.
If we except the photo of Hylocereus undatus, which was communicated to me by Alain Laroze, all the other photos of botanical ancestors or hybrid Epiphyllum are photos which I have taken since 2002, using plants of my collection. These pictures were scattered among several galleries of my site; I gathered them in the gallery which follows, made up of two pages. Page (1/2) is devoted to botanical ancestors and page (2/2) to hybrid Epiphyllum classified in alphabetical order.
............................ Disocactus ackermannii ..........................
Disocactus biformis ................................................................ Disocactus macranthus
..................................Disocactus nelsonii .................................................................. D. nelsonii var. hondurensis
............................ Disocactus phyllanthoides ...................................................................... Disocactus horichii
.......................... Disocactus quezaltecus ..........................
Disocactus speciosus ................................................ Disocactus speciosus var.amecamensis
................................ Epiphyllum cartagense ................................
.................................................... Epiphyllum cartagense ..................................................
......................... Epiphyllum crenatum ........................................................... Ep. crenatum var. kinchinjunga
Epiphyllum guatemalense f. monstrosa
Epiphyllum oxypetalum ........ Epiphyllum oxypetalum (unknown hybrid)
Ep. phyllantus var.hookeri ....................... Ep. phyllanthus var. hookeri : another clone............
Epiphyllum pumilum
Hylocereus undatus
Selenicereus grandiflorus ......................................................... Selenicereus urbanianus ......................................
PAGE 2/2: THE GALLERY OF THE HYBRID EPIPHYLLUM (in alphabetical order)