most likely


or one of its subspecies


photo 1/11 taken on 08/11/2021


I'm going to tell you a little bit about this Rhipsalis because it has, for me, a long history.

In August 2008, I made a trip to Brazil and visited a biotope

where I was told that I could observe Rhipsalis pulchra with pink flowers

as well as Schlumbergera russelliana.

This biotope, located on a hill overlooking the city of Nova Friburgo,

has been unfortunately a few years later,

the victim of a landslide following torrential rains.

I observed both plants in bloom (I don't have a quality photo to show you).

The few cuttings I took only lived a few weeks in my collection.

But then, where does this plant come from whose longest stems measure 1m in my collection?


A German collector, botanist and friend, Andreas Hofacker, who knew

of the existence of the site and of my visit, asked me in 2011 for the exact coordinates, because he wanted to go there.

I communicated them to him and he sent me, after his trip, a fruit of the Rhipsalis

whose seeds I sowed in 2012.

The site disappeared a little later (torrential flood).

You can see here the result of this sowing, I waited a long time for the flowering!

It occurred in the winter of 2021-2022, ten years after seeding.

I only got TWO flowers.

I will introduce them to you.


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