IF YOU WANT TO KNOW ME A LITTLE BETTER................................
I was born in 1949 in the small town of Limoux well-known for its white sparkling wine: "la Blanquette de Limoux".
I inherited my taste for the vegetable world from my father who was often taking me with him in the family kitchen garden where I made my first growing experiments.
My first contact with cacti occured in 1964 when, during a stay in Antibes, a French Riviera city, a local inhabitant gave me some cuttings of these plants, which were in her personal garden. Thus, I started to grow these cuttings and one of these cacti is still alive in my collection now.
Much later, while I had become a mathematics teacher, I began to travel a lot and still now, this taste for remote travels hasn't left me.
As I'm also a collector through and through, I decided to collect the only plants able to stand up to my frequent and remote travels. Thus, cacti and succulents were the ideal plants. I began my cacti and succulents collection in 1988, year of birth of my daughter Alice who has shared with me, as my wife Mireille has, a lot of my travels. Both of them greatly helped me in my collection and photography work ; I warmly thank them.
For climatic reasons, I specialized in the Epiphyte cacti that are often ignored by cactophiles even though their flowers are so beautiful!
I am also a great cinema enthusiast and the company of my best friends is for me an invaluable thing.
I dedicate this website to all of those who will take pleasure in consulting it.
I also dedicate it to all those who, throughout my life, gave me some appetite for life or gave it back to me. They will certainly recognize themselves when reading this page.
Michel Combernoux
17 december 2006