N.B. : Rhipsalidopsis was shortened as : " R."
R. X "Caprice" ........................ R. gaertneri .......................... R. X "Victoria".........R. X "Michel Combernoux"
R. gaertneri var. giant ............. R. X "Honey" ................... R. X "Monarch" ................ R. X "Parnell"
R. X "Laura Ann" ............R. X "Sirius" ph1................. R. X "Sirius" ph2............. R. X "Yvonne Pelham"
R. X "Orion" ................... R. X "Hatherton Star"............. R. X "Hatherton Star" detail
R. X "Leo's Pink" ................... R. X "Jewel" ........................R. .X "Double China Rose"
R. X " Double China Rose", detail ...............R. X "Bright Rose" ................. R. X "Mira"
R. X "Victoria" (detail) ....... R. X "Mira" (detail) ........ R. X "Yvonne Pelham" (detail)
R. X "Andromeda" ......... R. gaertneri tiburtii ............... R. X "Georgette"............ .R. X "Phoenix"
R. rosea minima ........................... R. rosea ........................ R. X "Sagitta" ....................... R. X "Eclipse"
R. X "Nelson Mandela".................. R. X "Castor" .............................. R. X "Cetus"
R. X "Grande" ............................................... R. X "Thor Siff"
R. gaertneri var. tiburtii ............. R. X "Georgette" ..................... R. X "Parnell" ........................... R. X "Mira"
R. X "Monarch" .................... R. X "Sagitta" .......................... R. X "Sirius" ...........................R. gaertneri
R. X "Jewel" ................................................ R. X "Honey"
New 2006 photos.
R. X "Elisa" ................................... R. X "Tricky" (two photos)
New 2007 photos.
R. x "American Weirdoo" .................... R. x "Capella" ....................... R. x "Leah"
................................... R. x "Cleopatra" ..................................
.......... R. x "Showgers Superb" ...........
New 2008 photos.
R. x "Auriga" ..................................... R. x "Colomba" ............................... R. x "Thor Lina"
New 2009 photos.
............... R. x "Angel" .......................................................................... R. x "Apache Spirit" ............
..........R. x "Ian" ........................................................ R. x "Indus" ...................................... R. x "Leo"
R. x "Libra" ............................................................................ R. x "Scorpius"
................... R. x "Showgers Superb" ...............
New 2010 photos
.............................................. Rhipsalidopsis x "Cherokee Spirit" ..............................................
.............................................. Rhipsalidopsis x "Comanche Spirit" ..............................................
.............................................. Rhipsalidopsis x "Mohawk Spirit" ..............................................
.............................................. Rhipsalidopsis x "Mohegan Spirit" ..............................................
.............................................. Rhipsalidopsis x "Navajo Spirit" ..............................................
.............................................. Rhipsalidopsis x "Pawnee Spirit" ..............................................
New 2011 photos
.... Some Hatiora (Rhipsalidopsis) with buds then blooms ....
................................ Rhipsalidopsis x "Elisa" (?) ................................
.......................... Rhipsalidopsis x "Emperor's Song" ..........................
............................. Rhipsalidopsis x "Gandulf" .............................
.................................. Rhipsalidopsis x "Pegasus" ..................................
.......................... Rhipsalidopsis x "Pride Of San Gabriel" ..........................
................................ Rhipsalidopsis x "Queen Of Hearts" ................................
Rhipsalidopsis x "Thor Gunne"
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