This hybrid was obtained by George French and registered in 1999 in the E.S.A. register.
Its pedigree is: Ep. x 'Clown' x Ep. x 'Lady Ruffles'.
Its flower is classified as size XL.
We found this breeder and pedigree in 4 hybrids in this article.
Here are 3 photos of Ep. x 'Millennium' taken in 2021.
And so ends the retrospective of the few descendants of 'Clown',
which I have been growing for less time than their ancestor,
and which seem to be easier to grow and flower (apart from 'Arturo')
You will have noticed, as I did, that from one hybrid to the other
there are noticeable differences in flower shape and petal colour.
All this is perfectly normal and the family resemblance is there.
The next page, which is the last, is devoted to
bibliographic and iconographic sources.