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Schlumbergera (or Zygocactus) x 'Aspen' was obtained by the hybridizer Cobia, towards the beginning of the 1990s, by chemically induced mutation of Zygocactus X “Bridgeport”. Aspen’s bloom had, at the beginning of its creation, serrated petals, like those of a carnation. In 1995, I bought a cutting from Rainbow Gardens, because I was fascinated by the catalogue photo. During the first two years, blooms were strange and splendid like the catalogue photo. I just admired them but I didn’t think of taking any photos. During the following years, I was disappointed to observe that blooms had the appearance of those of “Bridgeport”, before its mutation. At the same time, Rainbow Gardens apologized to all people who had bought “Aspen” by explaining that the mutation had appeared to be unstable. During the 2005-2006 winter, I had the pleasant surprise to have again only one bloom with serrated petals, among ten flowers similar to those of “Bridgeport”. So, the mutation hasn’t disappeared. I recently learned that chemically induced mutation (using for instance colchicine which is said to double the chromosomes number) were often unstable. Some plants mutations are induced by using chemical agents and/or irradiation ; they are also often unstable like this one. Time is necessary to evaluate a mutation stability. I took the photo of this page during the 2013-2014 winter, the mutation is still visible.


